Feel good about eating bread again

Breads, Crackers & Wraps completely opens up your lunch options and is the perfect compliment to the Rolled Lunches Livestream class you purchased....

Want to move beyond flax crackers?

Flax crackers are great...but there's so much more you could be making, eating and enjoying when it comes to raw breads, crackers & wraps.

Just a few days ago I was having a conversation with Danielle.

Danielle is fairly new to raw food.

I was explaining the joys of using a dehydrator to create breads, pizzas, sandwiches and more.

She told me, "I've never had much success with breads and wraps"

Her face lit up as I talked more about it...

"You know you can make a while bunch of bread, pizza bases and sauces, freeze them so they're ready to go?" I said.

She started to see what was possible. "My family and I LOVE bread, so any way to improve on the nutrition and I'm in!"

And she went to to explain, "I can eat anything if it is good for me, but my family is not so eager."

I've not come across many people that can eat based solely on what's good for them.

If you've got family you're trying to help eat healthier, you'll need to do things a little differently.

In fact, several people have told me breads, crackers and wraps have been the difference between eating raw food and not eating raw food; it's just something too enjoyable to miss out on...but now you don't have to!

That's where my course Breads, Crackers & Wraps comes in...

In this short course, I'll blend techniques with recipes, so you'll fully understand this completely new way of 'cooking'.

Even if you're somewhat familiar with using a dehydrator, knowing WHY an ingredient is in the recipe, as well as the HOW to bring your own variations to life will free you from recipes.

Which in turn will open up a whole new world of possibility.

Imagine...being able to create a vibrant, filling sandwich made from all raw ingredients that you can take to work, or on a day out; so you don't have the dreaded, "what food will be available" going into new situations or on road trips.
Imagine...being able to create a colourful, delicious and hearty raw pizza that the whole family can sit and enjoy, complete with raw pepperoni!
Imagine...having many of these recipes made and ready to go in the freezer, so all you have to do is add a few fresh ingredients to serve; what felt like a lot of work before is now easy and enjoyable.

The Course

Breads, Crackers & Wraps is a self-study online course that shows you how to make raw breads, crackers and wraps in the quickest way possible, so you’ll never be stuck for fun and healthy lunch ideas again.

How Breads, Crackers & Wraps Works

01 | Work at your own pace

Soak up everything in a few weeks, or take your time.

02 | Learn how you learn best

All lessons are in HD video, because you learn best by being shown exactly what to do step-by-step.

Each lesson also has a downloadable recipe sheet (PDF).

You can watch the techniques in action and mark lessons off as you progress.

03 | A community & team that has your back

Doing this stuff is no fun alone. That’s why you’ll be able to ask us questions in each lesson.

We also have forums within the Academy, so you can share successes, ask questions, and be social with your classmates.

04 | Mobile & tablet friendly

All lessons work on your computer, tablet and phone. That way you can learn wherever suits you best.

You can even take the lessons to the store with you, so you know which ingredients to shop for.

It also means you can have you computer, tablet or phone in the kitchen with you as you work.

05 | Lifetime access

You’ll have access to the course materials for life, so you can always come back to them for review.

Techniques & Recipes

You’ll learn best by first going through the technique lessons, and then the recipe lessons.  By doing it this way around, you’ll understand WHY you’re doing the things you’re doing, which means you’ll ‘get it’ quicker.


In these lessons you’ll get videos on the different techniques involved in making breads, crackers and wraps.

Techniques such as how to decide on the texture of your breads, crackers & wraps and which ingredients will achieve that. Things to consider here are making bread in loaves, vs making flatbreads; making wraps pliable, which ingredients make crackers crispy and other textures that you have available.

How to come up with flavour ideas for your breads, crackers and wraps. This will depend on how your breads, crackers and wraps are going to be used.

The idea with this course is not to give you tons of videos to watch, but to give you the tools needed to master this area of raw food production. We’ll give you as many video lessons as are needed to achieve that. 

Recipe video lessons are where you can see me bring all the techniques together in example recipes. This means you’ll have great recipes, ready to go and ready to use.

It also means that now you’re not just following recipes from a book, you’re learning about what each different ingredient and technique does and why it’s there.

By the end of this short course, you’ll truly have mastered raw breads, crackers and wraps.

Want to eat raw at work, but always end up having a salad?

This new combination of technique lessons and recipe lessons will have you eating raw sandwiches at work in no time!

It’s all about giving you those skills, so you can bring in the amount of raw food that feels wonderful for you.

It’s the kind of stuff that once you know it, and can do it, you can’t unlearn.

You’ll always have these skills.

You’ll always have the knowledge and ability to make food that supports your health.

Whether that’s going all raw for a few weeks to lose weight, or clear up your skin.

Or maybe you can feel yourself slowing down and becoming tired during the day, when you know that  raw and living foods will give you a reset to start feeling full of energy again.

Or maybe you’re looking to be preventative and you want to eat 50% to 80% raw all the time, because that’s how you get the most out of your life; by stepping into the vibrancy of raw and living foods.

Join the course

If you want to master raw breads, crackers & wraps and go straight to quality recipes that work, rather than hunting around the internet...AND you want to go beyond those recipes, I'd love for you to join me on this course.



Are the recipes free of wheat, gluten & yeast?

Yes, all recipes are raw, vegan and free of soy, wheat, gluten and yeast.

There are a couple of instances of honey, nutritional yeast and rye flour. Substitutions are provided for all of these.

How long do I have to complete this course?

Your access to this course doesn’t expire. That means you can come back and watch the videos with unlimited access for as long as you want.

Do I need a dehydrator or any other special equipment for this course?

This course will use a dehydrator, yes. If you don’t already have one, this is a great way, for a very small investment, to see what’s possible with a dehydrator.

Some people have been successful using an oven instead of a dehydrator. I can help you with that if needed.

Student Testimonials

Breads, Crackers & Wraps

$27 USD

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